Traditional Marketing vs. Digital Marketing
Our industry has developed a fixation on pitting traditional marketing against its newer counterpart, digital marketing. If you research the topic, you’ll find plenty of web-savvy people arguing that digital is far superior. Are they biased? Most definitely, but that’s to be expected from people who work in cyberspace.
This obsession with all things digital has put traditional marketing in a weird place. Some business owners have disregarded it entirely. Others are set in their ways and haven’t yet taken new online opportunities. Most, however, struggle in knowing the right direction for their time and resources—whether they should go digital or traditional. We’re here to settle the big debate with an unbiased outlook. Here’s what you need to know.
What is Traditional Marketing?
Traditional marketing is done offline, while digital marketing is done online. It was the only option up until the internet became readily available in the 90s. And even then, digital marketing was in its infancy up until the mid-2000s. Still, that doesn’t mean traditional marketing is old-fashioned. It’s just easy to ignore how influenced we truly are when it’s all around us.
Traditional marketing isn’t irrelevant. Instead, it’s become integrated into our daily routines. Billboards on the highway during your commute have become the norm. We expect to receive company postcards and coupons when we get the mail. For 20 percent of viewers, the commercials are the sole reason for tuning in to the Super Bowl. Advertisers spend upwards of $5 million for 30 seconds of airtime. That tells us that there’s still value in traditional marketing.
“When leafing through your favorite magazine, you’re bound to be struck by a flashy ad, and you might occasionally find yourself chuckling over a silly television commercial. These types of ads, along with direct mail postcards, telemarketing and outdoor advertising still grab our attention.”
Traditional Marketing Strategies
Magazine Ads
Promotional Products
Vehicle Wraps
Direct Mail
Press Releases
TV Commercials
Radio Ads
Trade Shows
Open Houses
Networking Events
Referral Campaigns
Professional Affiliations
Door-to-Door Sales
“Digital marketing benefits businesses of all sizes by giving access to the mass market at an affordable price,” said NI Business Info, a government-led business resource of Northern Ireland. “While you can reach a global audience with digital marketing, you are also up against global competition. It can be a challenge to stand out against competitors and to grab attention among the many messages aimed at consumers online.”
Digital Marketing Strategies
Pay Per Click (PPC)
Email Marketing
Video Content
Organic Social Media Marketing
Social Media Ads
Influencer Marketing
Virtual Events
Traditional marketing and digital marketing both play an essential role in the overall growth of a company. It’s not necessarily true that one is better than the other. And we don’t think of it as an either/or situation.
Ideally, every business should be doing some type of digital marketing. We look at digital marketing as a method of reinforcing the credibility you build with traditional marketing.
They serve different purposes, and businesses need to find the right balance between the two. There isn’t one clear answer that works for everyone, but solely relying on one marketing channel is a mistake. Businesses need to diversify their strategies. It’s a balancing act.